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Movie statistics of Tollywood in 2013Movie statistics of Tollywood in 2013

The year 2013 has seen many new directors and music directors making their entry in Tollywood. is presenting the statistics of Telugu movie releases in 2013.

There is an increase in releases of straight Telugu movies compared to 2012.  In the year 2012,Straight Telugu movies were 94. This year(2013) 142 straight movies were released.  In 2012 total 70 Dubbed movies were released and in 2013 it has come down to 55.

The Table of 2013 Movie releases in comparison with 2012 released movies

Straight movies 142
dubbed from Kanada 2
dubbed from Malayalam 4
dubbed from Hindi 5
Dubbed from English 15
dubbed from Tamil 29
Straight movies 142
Total  197
Comparission of 2013 movies with 2012 movies
2013 2012
Straight movies 142(72%) 94(57.32)
dubbed movies 55(28%) 70(42.68%)
Total released 197 164
Censor ratings of movies
2013 2012
U certificate 21 37
U/A certificate 140 95
A certificate 36 32
Total Movies 197 164

Audio launch events for 108 films celebrated in 2013.

Movies are remade in Telugu from other languages :- 1.Tadakha(from Tamil ), Masala(from Hindi)