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Shriya Saran promoting Minugurulu movieShriya Saran promoting Minugurulu movie

Actress Shriya Saran expressed that blindness is something related to body but not the heart. She even felt that we should not under estimate  blind people but try to elevate talents within them. ‘Minugurulu’ movie which was directed by Ayodhya Kumar was presented in Prasat Labs on 9th January on the occasion of world brailee day. Shriya Saran has watched this movie along with some blind students and then spent some time with them after watching the movie.

During this she told that “ While I was studying in DPS School at Delhi, nearby one blind school was  there. I used to go there every week and played cricket with them and from then onwards I started thinking about visually challenged children. I try to spend some time with them and feel that there is good talent in them. ‘Minugurulu’ movie is very good and Ayodhya Kumar has projected the problems of blind people and such movies should be promoted.”