Prema Hrudayaniki Degree is an upcoming movie directed by Kodem Satish Kumar and produced by G S Nayak on Sri Ganesh Ram Sai Films Banner. Satish Kumar has worked as cinematographer for many films and with this he is debuting as director.The movie was very recently launched at Hyderabad.
Sai Kumar Shetty, Suresh Babu are playing male leads and Akshaya and Shalini are playing female leads . Ramana Babu is playing an important role. Shooting will start by this month end.
Music is composed by Ravi Kalyan, Camera by Surender Reddy, Lyrics by Ananta Sriram, Venigella Rambabu and Monasri Mallik , Editing by Ajay.
The details of the other cast to be shortly announced.