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R.P.Patnaik Hollywood Movie titled amy

R.P.Patnaik Hollywood Movie Titled Amy.

The music director turned director R.P.Patnaik is going to make a Hollywood movie titled “Amy”, the story is about the Amysh tribals who use only natural things on earth and who does not like to use artificial things like Vehicles and Power, etc. The story is about a girl who struggles hard between the good and the bad. It is coming up with all American cast and crew excluding R.P.Patnaik and the producers Prasad Kunishetty and Ramesh Nooti. It is being released on VOD (Voice On Demand) and Home Video formats on October 1st 2013.  The producers of the movie are from a software back ground and also they said that it took 2 years for them to complete this project. The popular producer John Sheenberg of Hollywood is marketing this movie in U.S.A.   The musical score is being provided by R.P.Patnaik and the story is also written by R.P.Patnaik..The actors Christopher Atkins, Jessica, Kurt Peterson, Jane Doharthy and Chris Smith are playing the crucial roles.