The audio of the movie Paisa starring Nani was launched on the 19th of May at the Shilpakala Vedika. Along with the cast and crew of the movie, the audio was attended by many stars like Navdeep, Sundeep Kishan, Sharwanand and Sunil. The audio was launched by Dasari Narayana Rao who was the chief guest at the function. Here is the audio review for the songs of Paisa.
Cast: Nani, Siddhika, Catherine Teresa
Director: Krishna Vamsi
Music Director: Sai Karthik
Songs of Paisa:
1. Epudaithe Puttindo Singer: Krishna Vamsi, Lyrics:Sirivennela Seetharama sastry
This is the title song of Paisa. It has good lyrics but the tune was average. The song was sung by Krishna Vamsi himself and bits of it were sung by Tagubothu Ramesh.
2. Govinda Govinda Singer: Tippu Lyrics: Ananth Sriram
The song might be the introduction song of the hero. It has good lyrics and nice beats. The starting of the song which was sung by baby Thillu was good.
3. Mayya Mayya Singer: Vijay Prakash Lyrics: Sirivennela Seetharama sastry
The song has lyrics describing the heroine of the movie and is similar to the song Mayya Mayya of the movie Guru.
4. Neetho Edo Singer : Swetha Menon
This is a melodious song with nice lyrics. The voice of Swetha Menon added to the melody of the song.
5. Paisa Paisa Singers: Ranjith, Rahul Nambiar, Karthik Lyrics: Sirivennela Seetharama sastry
This song which was sung by three talented singers is very good with nice lyrics and a catchy tune.
Audio Rating – 7/10