Gajjela Gurram movie is releasing on 23rd August. SARC, a new film production company has dubbed the sensational Malayalam movie titled ‘Climax’ in to Telugu with the title ‘Gajjela Gurram. This is a Sana Khan starrer and she is playing the role of the yesteryears south star Silk Smitha and the story is based on her real life.
V.Chandra Sekhar is the head of SARC said that this is a 5 crore budget movie and it was super hit in Malayalam and even was a hit when dubbed in to Tamil and we are sure that it will be a big success in Tollywood too. Senior director P.N.Ramachander Rao has supervised the dubbing process of the film. Vennelakanti has given songs and dialogues and Mallori Venkat is the co-writer.
Sana Khan , Suresh Krishna, Sabin Sunny, Sandhya,Shanthi Williams,,Aravind Akash,Lakshmi Sharma,K Madhu,Irshad,Manoj Nair are playing important roles in the movie and music was composed by Berny – Ignatius. Baby Manvitha, Rama Sita and Annapoorna are the presenters. Producer : V.Bhanu is the Producer. Gajjala Gurram is Directed by Anil Kumar.