Mandodari movie which is produced by Pidugu Subba Rao on Teluguvari Cinema Banner has completed its post production works and is ready for release. Dinesh Shashak, Sripal Vijayendra and Samatha are playing lead roles. Shanthan is the director and Chinni Charan is composing music.
Producer said that this movie story revolves around four boys and one girl and is a suspense thriller. Director said that the title is creating interest in the audience and the movie release is scheduled in this month end.
Story : Chennoju Bhimeshwarachari, Editing : Lakshminarayana, Screenplay: M Santhosh, Camera handled by Venkatraju, lyrics by Sahiti, Ramajogaiah Sastry, Srimani, Ghantha Murali, Executive Producers are Dhruv Kumar Tandel and B.V.Rama Rao.