Na Sami Ranga audio launch function was held at Hyderabad recently. Audio Cd’s was launched by K.Ashok Kumar and the director said that this is a new story which will entertain the whole family, Chirravuri Vijaykumar, Krishna Chaitanya, Chalapathi Raju graced the function.
Dilip , Sai Kumar Pampana and Sri Tej are playing male leads and Priyanka and Yashaswini are playing female leads. Subramanyam Pacha is for the first time handling mega phone as director. Agasthya’s music and Balreddy’s Camera handling has given life to the movie. C.H.Kiran Kumar Reddy, J.Krishna Reddy and J.P.Reddy are the producers on Vidhatha Films Banner.
This has been pictured with clean comedy.