Ram Charan Yevadu for Dussehra
Ram Charan starrer ‘Yevadu’ initialy scheduled for a release on 25th of July.The movie Audio was released and also passed by censors with ‘A’ certificate.The movie release date again changed to 31st July.To avoid clash with Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Atthrintiki Daredi”,the producer postponed its release to 21st of August.Ram Charan ‘Toofan’ release date is confirmed as 6th September. So the team of ‘Yevadu’ has again decided to postpone its release to the month of October to enable both Ram Charan’s Yevadu and Toofan movies have a time gap of 40 days.The movie Yevadu may be released either on 14th or 15th of October,the exact release date to be confirmed.