Young Tiger Jr.NTR, who was born on the 20th of May 1983 celebrates his 30th birthday today. The actor debuted into the Telugu movies with Bramharshii Vishwamitra in the year 1991 followed by Bala Ramayanam in the year 1997. He started acting in movies as an adult male lead with the movie Ninnu chudalani which did not fare very well at the box office. His next movie Student No 1 saw phenomenal success and he went on acting in many movies like Simhadri, Ashok, Adi, Yamadonga, Adhurs and Brindavanam. Jr. NTR’s recent release Baadshah was also a huge hit at the box office.
Jr.NTR, who happens to be a trained kuchipudi dancer is known for his exceptional dancing skills. He is also a playback singer who lent his voice for a few of his own movies like Adhurs and Yamadonga. Jr.NTR won many awards through out his career winning the first of them at an age of 14 for his role as Rama in Bala Ramayanam. He also won the prestigious filmfare award for the best actor as many as five times.
At the moment Jr. NTR is coming up with two movies Ramayya Vastavayya and Rabhasa directed by Harish Shanker and Santosh Srinivas respectively. The movie Ramayya Vasthavayya in which he plays a student union leader as per the rumours is going to be released in the month of september. Rabhasa might hit the theaters some time next year.
Business of wishes Jr.NTR a very happy birthday and hopes for great success in his future projects.